
Community Council


理事会成员包括来自保健诊所的代表, non-profits, community based organizations, and state and city agencies. 在许多方面,安理会的成员是每个社区的缩影.

校董会成员提供最多意见的三个范畴是协助书院(1)了解每个社区及其需要, (2) Facilitate collaborations and partnerships, and (3) Identify service goals and key health care indicators.

The Council meets twice per year.

Ladan Alomar, Executive Director of Centro Civico
Ladan Alomar

Ladan Alomar is Executive Director of Centro Civico, Inc. 这是一个非营利的社区组织,在阿姆斯特丹和奥尔巴尼设有办事处. Under her direction, 该组织已被公认为利用创新教育和干预策略的模范服务提供者,这些策略强调了西班牙裔和低收入社区转型的可能性.

Joe Gambino, CEO of Hometown Health Centers
Joe Gambino

As CEO of Hometown Health Centers since 2009, 乔·甘比诺(Joe Gambino)管理着首都地区最受好评的医疗和牙科机构之一. Hometown Health provides care to 20,000名儿童和成人在斯克内克塔迪和阿姆斯特丹的四个健康中心, including two school-based health centers.

Zanetta Graham, Upper Hudson Planned Parenthood
Zanetta Graham

扎内塔·格雷厄姆是奥尔巴尼上哈德逊计划生育组织负责教育和企业合规办公室的副总裁. In this role, she hires, trains, and supports staff working with youth, 除了向社区提供他们为自己的生活做出最健康和最知情的选择所需的信息和资源之外.

Perry Jones, Executive Director, Capital City Rescue Mission
Perry Jones

佩里·琼斯于1982年被任命为首都救援任务的执行主任. Under his direction and with growing community support, 特派团已成为首都地区最大的避难所. It now includes a residential program for men and for women and children; clothing ministry; a learning center; a free medical clinic; a chapel program; and emergency shelter. 

Steven T. Longo is Executive Director of the Albany Housing Authority
Steven T. Longo

Steven T. Longo作为执行董事领导奥尔巴尼房屋管理局(AHA)超过28年. With innovative management, sensitivity to residents’ needs, and a drive to improve Albany’s neighborhoods, Mr. 朗戈已经让管理局成为该市首选的房东和振兴合作伙伴. AHA currently operates over 2,200 units of affordable housing.

Tom McPheeters
Tom McPheeters

Tom McPheeters是一名退休的报纸记者和编辑,也是一名非营利组织的高管,他与village合作……, Inc. on development and programs. His current focus is the new South End Community Collaborative, the Innovation Blocks project, and supporting new health programs. He also serves as an advisor to the Lincoln Fund, a charitable fund focusing on the South End of Albany. 

Susan Millstein是纽约州卫生部糖尿病项目经理
Susan Millstein

Susan Millstein, LCSW, MPH在公共卫生领域有近二十年的经验,目前是纽约州社区慢性病预防卫生局的糖尿病项目经理. In her role, 苏珊领导社区和卫生保健机构的人口健康倡议,以预防和管理整个纽约州的糖尿病.

Harris Oberlander

Harris Oberlander是Trinity Alliance of the Capital Region, Inc .的CEO., a multi-purpose social welfare agency. Before coming to Trinity in 2004, 哈里斯是圣安妮研究所140张床位的住院治疗中心的临床管理员,他在那里工作了17年. A holder of Bachelor’s and Master’s Degrees in social work, he has learned, lived, and worked in Albany almost continuously since 1977.

Dr. Robert Paeglow
Dr. Robert Paeglow

Robert Paeglow – “Dr. “鲍勃”对他的病人说。2001年,他创立了Koinonia初级保健诊所. Located in Albany's West Hill community, 诊所帮助满足该市最贫穷和医疗服务最不足的社区之一的需求. He also runs Care from the Start, 与奥尔巴尼医学院(Albany Medical College)和公共卫生服务中心(ACPHS)合作,让医学和药学专业的学生面对面地了解贫困对健康的影响.

Marva M. 理查兹是奥尔巴尼医学院社区外展和服务学习主任
Marva M. Richards

Marva M. Richards, MPH, 是奥尔巴尼医学院社区外展和服务学习主任,在那里她帮助医科学生参与首都地区社区的有意义的服务. 对促进社会公正感兴趣的活跃的社区成员, 她曾担任village Inc .的董事会主席. in addition to serving on other local boards.

Mark Santiago

马克·圣地亚哥一直是弱势群体和被剥夺权利群体的捍卫者. As Vice President of Retail Outreach for MVP Health Care, 他直接与最脆弱的人群合作,目标是帮助他们生活得更健康, more productive lives. 他对公众福利的奉献是由一种信念驱动的,即健康保险确实可以给人们一个生存的机会.

Charles Touhey
Charles Touhey

除了在商业和房地产领域取得成功之外, Charles Touhey曾担任Albany Capital Housing的董事, 帮助重建家园,重建整个城市的社区. 他也是奥尔巴尼经济成功中心的董事会主席, 一个帮助妇女和少数民族创办新企业的组织. 他的社区振兴工作为他赢得了奥尔巴尼市的人权奖.

Tiana Wyrick
Tiana Wyrick

Tiana Wyrick是纽约州卫生部心血管疾病项目的注册护士和项目经理. Ms. Wyrick支持卫生系统实施基于团队的护理方法,通过提高护理质量的方法来改善高血压和胆固醇的管理和控制.