联合健康科学系由具有生物伦理学专业知识的教师组成, 疾病的识别和诊断, 疾病监测, 健康差异, 健康教育, 医学人文, 以及医患沟通.
In addition to teaching the humanities and social science coursework integral to all the College’s academic programs, the Department offers Bachelor’s degree programs in 公共卫生, 临床实验室科学和健康科学. It is also home to Master’s degree programs in Clinical Lab 科学s and 细胞技术与分子细胞学.
The activities listed below are by members of the 联合健康科学系 and span the period from January 1, 2018 - 12月31日, 2018.
* - ACPHS学员以 大胆的.
- Sun CC, Daniels MS, Bodurka DC, Nebgen D,伯顿-蔡斯AM, 陆KH, 彼得森SK. Women's preferences for cancer risk management strategies in Lynch syndrome. 妇科肿瘤 (全球十大赌博靠谱的平台).
- 亨尼希K, DeCoster B; 楚R, 帕克WM, Campo-Engelstein L,伯顿-蔡斯AM. (2018) Lynch综合征患者教育卫生保健提供者的定性研究. 患者体验日志, 5(3),第十二条.
- 伯顿-蔡斯AM,帕克WM, Donato公里, 麦考密克年代, Gritz E, 阿莫斯CI, 陆KH, 林奇点, Rodriguez-Bigas马, 你YN, 彼得森SK. 2018. Health-related quality of life in colorectal cancer survivors: Are there differences between sporadic and hereditary patients?” 患者报告结果杂志, 2, 21.
- 李建军,李建军,李建军,等. (2018). “我该怎么说呢?:运用沟通原则加强药物治疗管理指导. Currents in Pharmacy Teaching and Learning, 10, 185-194.
- Williams L, Kehm R, Mueller B, McLaughlin C, Richardson M, Chow E, Spector L. The association between sex and most childhood cancers is not mediated by birthweight. 癌症流行病学2018年12月;57:7-12.
- 亨尼希K, DeCoster B; 楚R, 帕克WM, Campo-Engelstein L,伯顿-蔡斯AM. 2018. Patients Educating Health Care Providers on Lynch Syndrome: A Qualitative Study. 患者体验杂志, 第5(3)条.
- Campo-Engelstein L, Aziz R, Raffeale J, Darivemila S, Bhatni R, 帕克WM. 2018. 冻结生育能力还是冻结虚假的希望?: A Content Analysis of Social Egg-Freezing in the Popular Media. American Journal of Bioethics: Empirical Bioethics (全球十大赌博靠谱的平台).
- 伯顿-蔡斯AM,帕克WM, Donato公里, 麦考密克年代, Gritz E, 阿莫斯CI, 陆KH, 林奇点, Rodriguez-Bigas马, 你YN, 彼得森SK. 2018. Health-related quality of life in colorectal cancer survivors: Are there differences between sporadic and hereditary patients?” 患者报告结果杂志, 2, 21.
- 亨尼希K, 大厅P, 摩尔K,伯顿-蔡斯AM. Advanced care planning in individuals with Lynch syndrome. 美洲遗传性结直肠癌协作组年会, 加州圣地亚哥, 2018年10月(海报展示).
- Burton-Chase我. 谈判:策略和最佳实践. Annual Meeting of the 美国预防肿瘤学会(ASPO), 西雅图佤邦, 2018年3月(研讨会小组成员).
- 伯顿-蔡斯AM,杜宾R,杜宾D. The HEROIC registry: Opportunities for collaboration. Annual Meeting of the 美国预防肿瘤学会(ASPO), 纽约, 2018年3月(海报展示).
- 伯顿-蔡斯AM,杜宾R,杜宾D. The HEROIC registry: Opportunities for collaboration. Annual Meeting on Women’s Cancer of the Society of Gynecologic Oncologists, 新奥尔良洛杉矶, 2018年3月(海报展示).
- 马特奥T,伯顿-蔡斯AM,帕克WM. Experiences with screening and surveillance: Evidence from a mixed methods study of women with Lynch syndrome. 2018年1月,第六届首都地区女性主义研究联合会年会,纽约州奥尔巴尼 (Poster Presentation).
- 潘伟,柏基A,范戈尔德B. Nutrition Transition and Total Nail Selenium in the Peruvian Amazon in the IMAS Study (Investigacion de Migracion, 消费品展, y祝您健康). International Society for Environmental Epidemiology Annual Conference, 渥太华CA, 8月26 - 30日, 2018.
- Denvir P. Constructing medication nonadherence: Patients’ practices for balancing agency and accountability during in-depth pharmacy counseling. 第八届语言与社会互动工作组年会,2018年10月.
- 李建军,李建军,李建军. Adherence counseling during comprehensive medication reviews: Preliminary patterns of pharmacist-patient communication. 美国医院药师协会年中临床会议,加州阿纳海姆,2018年12月. (学生项目)
- 李建军,李建军,李建军. Adherence talk during comprehensive medication reviews: Preliminary patterns of pharmacist-patient communication. 5th Annual ACPHS Student 研究 Symposium at 奥尔巴尼 College of Pharmacy & 健康科学,2018年4月. (学生项目)
- 帕克WM. 健康的社会决定因素. 奥尔巴尼 Medical College, Health Care and Society Course. 2018.
- Gawdat米,帕克WM; 约翰森一, 鲍迈斯特T卡东·克. 2018. 医疗保险D部分对磷酸盐粘合剂的覆盖. 美国卫生系统药学学会年中临床会议,加州阿纳海姆,2018年12月.
- Karn, MM卡东·克, 帕克WM. Social Support and Medication Management in Patients with Chronic Kidney Disease. Eastern Sociological Society Annual Meeting, Baltimore MD, February 21-25, 2018.
- 马特奥T,伯顿-蔡斯AM,帕克WM. Experiences with screening and surveillance: Evidence from a mixed methods study of women with Lynch syndrome. 2018年1月,第六届首都地区女性主义研究联合会年会,纽约州奥尔巴尼.
- Partner, AliveAndKickn HEROIC Mosaic 研究 Community, 2018年至今
- 早期职业特别兴趣小组主席, 美国预防肿瘤学会(ASPO), 2018年至今
调查员:科琳麦克劳克林 (PI)
Grantor: Alliance for Better Health Innovation Fund 2018
Investigator: 史黛西小矮星 (PI) for Radix Center
Grantor: Alliance for Better Health Innovation Fund 2018